Welcome to the Ririe Community Chamber of Commerce

Join Us
Reasons to Join the Ririe Chamber of Commerce
- On-Line Directory - your business will be listed on the on-line directory featured on the Chambers website. You are allowed listings under different categories making it easier for buyers to find out what services you offer.
- Internet - your business will receive a listing on the Internet that will give Internet users a map to your location, and a link to your email address and website.
- Tourism - brochures, maps, information, and website access about our area and state will be available to promote better business. As a member you can place brochures in our visitor information area for tourists.
- Support - the Chamber provides you with the collective strength of members for the support of issues affecting your business and community. You also gain a network of professionals to share their knowledge and expertise.
- Active Community Betterment - you will have the knowledge that you are participating in a united effort to make the Ririe Area a better place to live and do business.
Ririe Chamber Mission Statement
The mission of the Ririe Community Chamber of Commerce is to provide vision and leadership to develop, encourage, promote and protect the business, tourism industry and educational interests of the Ririe Community; to provide members an environment where businesses, organizations, and communities can be successful; to enhance the quality of life in the Ririe community; and to promote and maintain the Ririe community as an exciting and enticing place to live, work, play and grow. We are proud to embrace our role of helping shape the future of the Ririe community both now and in years to come. The Ririe Community Chamber of Commerce is committed to its mission by:
- Promoting the businesses and community it serves
- Developing programs and opportunities that help businesses prosper and grow
- Advocating for the interests of our membership to local, state and federal governments on issues of commerce
- Providing a referral source to perspective citizens/businesses on data pertinent to the Ririe community
Our mission will be realized through an ongoing partnership with our members, board of directors, officers, local/state government, volunteers and the public we serve.
Come Be a Part
- No Upcoming Events
Napa Auto Parts
130 W Osbourn
Ririe Auto Repair
130 W Osbourn
Avercast, LLC
135 E. Main
Ririe Car Wash & Storage
217 W. Ririe Hwy
AH Digital FX Studios, Inc
10551 E Ririe Hwy